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Canine Health Awareness


Alternative Medicine Techniques / Acupuncture as an Alternative Therapy in Dogs & Cats /Traditional Chinese medicine has used acupuncture to treat a wide variety of conditions for about 3,500 years. Acupuncture is said to stimulate the body's natural healing processes which in turn help the body heal itself. Traditional Chinese medicine practitioners believe that acupuncture stimulates the flow of energy forces that nourish tissues, stimulate blood flow, and enhance the body's systems. Acupuncture has been used both as a preventative measure and to help treat diseases.According to ancient Chinese medical theory, the life force (called qi or ch'i) flows through the body via 14 invisible channels known as meridians. They regulate all physical and mental processes. Opposing forces within the body, called yin and yang, must be balanced to keep ch'iflowing properly. The meridians run deep within the body's tissues and organs, surfacing at some 360 places identified as acupuncture points, sometimes called acupoints. Certain meridians are identified with organs such as the bladder or liver, and the points all along such meridians are believed capable of affecting the associated internal organ. Stimulating these points is said to balance and restore the flow of ch'i.The word acupuncture is derived from the Latin 'acus' needle and 'pungo' puncture. The puncture refers to the insertion of tiny needles at very specific points on the surface of the body. The needles used are smooth and solid and very thin. Some people say they feel a brief slight sensation upon the insertion of the needle into the precise acupuncture point. The depth of insertion, type of stimulation, and duration of treatment vary according to the disease or the condition being treated. Needles should be sterile and only used once.In modern veterinary acupuncture, multiple systems of treatment are used. These include the classical needle alone, needles used in conjunction with electrical stimulation, or stimulation using a specific type of laser. Gold beads, surgical staples, or magnets are sometimes put into acupuncture points to provide permanent stimulation.Many western theories exist to try to explain the reported effects of acupuncture; however, no one theory explains all the effects. One thing specifically is known: acupuncture does cause the release of endorphins, compounds that have physiological effects resembling morphine.In humans, acupuncture is most commonly used for the treatment of pain, paresis, andparalysis. Acupuncture helps provide short-term relief of pain. In some human studies, long-term relief has occurred as well. Patients may show a better response after each treatment or a good response which lasts for a short period of time and increasingly longer on each subsequent treatment. Acupuncture should not be expected to cure an underlying problem. Human research is underway to determine for which physical problems acupuncture works well.Research studies on the effects of acupuncture on animals have not yet been performed, but anecdotal information suggests it may be helpful in certain conditions. Acupuncture has been used in the treatment of pain, hip dysplasia, chronic digestive disturbances, lick granuloma, epilepsy, and other miscellaneous conditions in pets. Some pet owners have noted an improvement in attitude in their pets before any physical improvement is seen. This may be due to a reduction in pain or some unknown factor.


Chiropractic as an Alternative Therapy in Dogs & Cats / 'Chiropractic' comes from the Greek words for 'practicing with the hands.' When the vertebrae, the bones of the spine, are not aligned correctly, the joint, muscle, nerve, connective tissue, blood flow, and function of an area can be affected. Chiropractic is a system of manipulation and adjustments of the bones of the spine to deal with subluxations and the secondary problems derived from them. The word 'adjustment' is normally used in describing the specific, quick, high velocity, and controlled thrust on the specific joint that is being manipulated. It restores the normal range of motion to the affected joint and releases the pressure to the surrounding tissues.An adjustment can result in immediate total relief of symptoms or partial relief. Sometimes, the pain relief may be only temporary; the animal may move a certain way again, cause a maladjustment, then be in pain again. This may necessitate multiple trips to the veterinary chiropractor.In the last few years, an instrument called an 'Activator' has been used on animals. It is a spring-loaded device which looks like a syringe which when tripped delivers a high velocity short stroke. It may create less apprehension for the dogs and cats than normal hands-on chiropractic and allows multiple adjustments to be performed much more easily.While chiropractic therapy is normally thought of as a method of pain relief, it should be remembered that since all of our organ systems are controlled by nerves, any disruption of proper nerve flow will also affect function. The correction of vertebral subluxations may improve the health of some internal organs such as the heart and gastrointestinal system.


Herbal Medicine As An Alternative Treatment In Cats And Dogs / Herbal medicine has been successfully used to treat many illnesses in animals and people throughout the centuries and is basic to folk medicine in every culture. Wild animals are thought to instinctively select the proper herbs when ill. A system of cancer therapy, known as the Hoxsey Program was originated by a man who observed which herbs were eaten by animals under specific disease conditions. Scientific research on the use of herbs is at about the same stage as vitamins were 10 years ago. Many companies, however, do not want to invest in expensive research because most herbscannot be patented, nor are they regulated by the Food and Drug Administration, as drugs and other medications are. Articles on some of the more commonly used herbs are listed in Holistic and Alternative Therapy for Dogs and Cats.Many of the modern pharmaceutical drugs are actually compounds considered to be the active principles in herbs. Herbalists, however, contend that the pharmaceutical derivatives and the whole plant from which they are derived are not the same due to the unique and complex properties of the original natural substance. As in many situations, the whole is more than the sum of (or one of) its parts, due to synergisms that may occur both within the plant and within the body.It can be difficult to find fresh herbs, and fresh herbs often are not the most pleasant tasting to the animal. Herb combination products have been developed for certain syndromes and are distributed as tablets and capsules. They can be obtained from many of the herbal companies and are generally classified as Western Herbs or Chinese Herbs. Chinese herbal combinations have been around for thousands of years and have a long track record.Always keep your veterinarian informed regarding what medications, herbs, and supplements your pet may be taking. Some of these therapies can interfere with the absorption or action of another. And, remember, just because herbs are natural, does not mean they cannot cause adverse or toxic effects if used inappropriately.



Homeopathy As An Alternative Therapy In Dogs And Cats / Homeopathy is the system of medicine which determines the underlying energy pattern of the animal, and what can be done to bring the energy level back into balance. Homeopathy was used by the Greeks, long ago, and was formalized by a German physician, Samuel Hahnemann in the late 1700's.There are six basic principles of homeopathy according to Christina Chambreau, DVM, a veterinarian who practices homeopathy: The body heals itself by producing symptoms in an attempt to recover balance. An energy imbalance exists prior to the development of physical symptoms.Disease is an ongoing process which started at birth; it is not just separate, acuteepisodes. To produce healing, all symptoms and the individual animal must be taken into account. Disease could be likened to an iceberg; we may only see the symptoms above the water, but there is also a lot going on beneath the water. 'Like cures like. ' Homeopathic remedies cause symptoms similar to the symptoms the animal is showi43ng. For instance, an animal that has vomiting and diarrhea would be treated with a plant, mineral, or animal substance which causes similar symptoms. The remedy would be stronger and similar to the imbalance observed in the animal, and would replace the illness, causing a cure.The goal of homeopathy is to cure not only the symptoms of disease, but all changes in the energy balance of the animal. The type of remedy is determined by first identifying the severity of the symptoms, and subsequently identifying which will be treated first. Then, the study of a number of reference books explaining the many properties of the various remedies will help determine which remedy to choose. Homeopathic remedies are extremely diluted solutions of assorted herbs, animal products, and chemicals. The more dilute the substance, the higher the potency. That is right; it may be confusing, but the more dilute the remedy, the higher the potency, and the less frequently it is given. Homeopaths often recommend natural diets, eliminating any type of processed food. They also advocate vaccinating as infrequently as possible.


Massage As An Alternative Therapy In Dogs And Cats / Massage is useful to help sooth overworked, tired muscles. Massage will not cure serious disease. In humans, multiple types of massage are used. These could also be used in animals. Some of the common types include effleurage (long, slow strokes), petrissage (kneading and rolling muscles), friction (steady pressure across muscle fibers without moving across the skin), and percussion (drumming hands over broad areas of the body). Warm or cold treatments may be used in conjunction with massage, depending upon the condition. The massage could be over the whole body, or concentrate on specific areas which may correspond to certain acupuncture points.Massage encourages healing by promoting blood flow, relieving tension, stimulating nerves, and stretching and loosening muscles. It may enhance the immune system and lower blood pressure.Massage should feel good, and the physical contact should be enjoyed by your pet. If for some reason the pet does not like the hands-on contact, discontinue it.

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